Biography Photo of Scott A Holcomb

Scott A. Holcomb

Scott Holcomb's practice focuses on representation of public entities, construction and real estate documentation and claims, as well as commercial litigation, with emphasis on government contracts, real estate, and construction-related disputes; however, his practice spans nearly all aspects of commercial litigation. Mr. Holcomb has been involved in cases relating to public bid protests, public records requests, elections, annexations, property rights, contractor and real estate licensing, escrow agent and broker liability and claims, computer systems and software, insurance defense and coverage issues, bond claims, easements, enforcement of CC&Rs, business partnerships, businesses aspects of domestic relations cases, constitutional rights, and title insurance, to name a few areas. He has also drafted bid packages, contracts, and contract templates for public and private construction, as well as for developers, contractors, municipalities, and other government entities. As Town Attorney for Queen Creek, Mr. Holcomb has also overseen various litigation and administrative actions involving utilities, condemnation, zoning, water rights, and public records.

Mr. Holcomb has appeared as an advocate before the Arizona Superior Court, the Arizona Court of Appeals, the United States District Court for the Districts of Arizona and Nevada, the California Superior Court, the Nevada Superior Court, the Arizona Corporation Commission, the Arizona State Procurement Office, the Arizona State Liquor Licensing Board, the Arizona Department of Real Estate, the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, the Nevada Board of Contractors, the Arizona Department of Transportation Board, and various school districts and other regulatory bodies.

Mr. Holcomb has served for over 20 years on the Madison Elementary School Board and also provides training on Open Meetings Law and government procedures, procurement, and contract drafting. He has served as a hearing officer in various procurement protests.

Education & Credentials


University of Iowa College of Law

J.D., 1984
  • High Honors
  • Moot Court Program, Board Member and Student Judge
  • Board Member, student-run Client Counseling Program


Iowa State University

B.S., Speech, 1981

Bar Admission

  • Arizona
  • Nevada


  • The Legal 500 United States
    • Real Estate Litigation, 2022
    • Real Estate Construction & Construction Litigation, 2024
  • Best Lawyers in America®
    •  “Lawyer of the Year”, Litigation - Construction, 2023
    • Litigation - Construction, 2001-2025
    • Litigation - Municipal, 2024-2025
    • Construction Law, 2024-2025

Prominent Assignments

  • Serves as Town Attorney for the Town of Queen Creek on a variety of matters, including land use, elections, economic development, procurement, contract drafting, intergovernmental agreements, open meetings and public records.
  • Represents Pima Community College, and serves as general counsel for the Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (Mountain Line).
  • Involved in preparing programming, procurement, design and construction contracts for a multitude of private and government projects, including the Cub’s Spring Training facilities in Mesa, a historic resort property in Phoenix, a suite and villa resort in Tempe, a 1.2 million square foot mixed-use project and parking structure in Scottsdale, and the new public Library, Fire Stations, and Law Enforcement/City Council Chambers center in Queen Creek.
  • Serves as construction attorney for the Maricopa Integrated Health System (Valleywise) in implementing the $900 million dollar Proposition 480 expansion and renovation program, which involves developing the programming agreement with the program manager; creating standardized solicitation and contract documents for all design and construction of multiple new community health clinics throughout Maricopa County and a new hospital and related support and parking structures on the existing main campus; and advising MIHS on the ongoing construction and design related issues which arise, all of which will be ongoing over a period of seven years.
  • Successfully defended, up through a petition for review the Arizona Supreme Court, Queen Creek’s annexation of the Encanterra subdivision in Pinal County, Arizona, and successfully defended the Town of Queen Creek as a co-defendant with the Arizona Corporation Commission in a public records request lawsuit, again up through a petition for review in the Arizona Supreme Court.
  • Acting as construction counsel for a 1 billion dollar casino resort project in Las Vegas, the first new casino and resort built in downtown Las Vegas in over 40 years.

Professional Involvement

  • Executive Council Member, State Bar of Arizona Public Lawyers Executive Council
  • Fellow, Construction Lawyers Society of America 
  • Elected Member and President, Madison Elementary School District No. 38 Governing Board
  • Director, Maricopa County, Arizona School Boards Association
  • Past Member, State Bar of Arizona Construction Law Section Board and Electronic Bulletin Board Committee
  • Member, Real Estate and Construction Sections of the Arizona State Bar and American Bar Association

Community Involvement

  • Serving over 20 years as an elected member of the Madison Elementary School District Governing Board, including terms as President and Clerk.

  • Formed and serves as chairman of a nonprofit educational organization called CACTUS – Careers in Architecture, Construction and Trades Uplifting Students.

  • Actively involved for over 28 years in the Camelback and Valley of the Sun Camelback Kiwanis, serving multiple terms as president.

  • Has received numerous awards and recognition for his work in public education and with kids from Campfire of Arizona, Kiwanis, the Arizona School Boards Association and several public school districts.

  • Acting as Camp Director for over 20 years for weekend kids’ camps at Camp Wamatochick in the mountains of  Arizona.

  • Serves as Santa Claus for multiple churches, schools, clubs, park programs, homeless shelters, and retirement homes – over 1,000 people each year.


  • Co-Author, “Statutory Limitations on Public Records Requests: Lessons from Audit-USA v. Maricopa County,” Dickinson Wright Client Alert, October 2023
  • Presenter, ‘Zen and the Art of Contract Drafting,’ Association of Corporate Council AZ Chapter Meeting, September 2023
  • Co-Author, “ACC’s Permissive Power Allows ACC to Appoint an Interim Manager to Remedy Threats to Public Health and Safety”, Dickinson Wright Client Alert, August 2020
  • Presenter, “Procurement Simplified and Examined: Understanding Terms, Time and Thought Behind the Process,” 2019 Risk Management Summit, Mesa, Arizona, February 8, 2019 
  • Keynote Speaker, “Terms, Time and Thought: The Three T’s in Procurement and Protest,” 2018 AASBO Vendor/Buyer Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, January 30, 2018
  • Presenter, “Solicitations (Invitations for Bids, Requests for Proposals, Requests for Qualification),” Construction Contract Workshop, Tempe, Arizona, January 24, 2018
  • Presenter, “All About Construction: Solicitation, Contracts and Assurances,” Serving the Public Lawyer Seminar, February 2017
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