K. Michael Gillum serves as the Japanese Business Legal Coordinator at Dickinson Wright. Michael is an experienced Japanese-English interpreter and translator with an extensive history working in the Automotive industry, and supporting Japanese corporations in navigating the U.S. legal landscape. His background in technical Japanese interpretation and translation gives him the ability to explain complex legal issues to Japanese clients with clarity, and will lay the foundation to increase future Japanese business for the firm.
University of Toledo College of Law
J.D., Doctor of Law, 2022University of Findlay
Bachelor's Degree, Japanese Language, 2014Kibi International University
Business/Corporate Communications, Study Abroad, 2013Spoken Languages
- Japanese
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N2
- Japan-America Society of Central Ohio Speech Contest Winner (2012)
Prominent Assignments
- Preparing and prosecuting patents for a large, international Japanese company in a variety of technology areas, including graphical user interface (GUI) software, 3D printing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC).
- グラフィカル・ユーザー・インターフェース(GUI)ソフトウェア、3Dプリンティング、暖房、換気、空調(HVAC)など、さまざまな技術分野において、日本の国際的大企業のために特許を準備し、出願。
- Served as general counsel and advisor to numerous companies doing business in Japan.
- 日本でビジネスを展開する数多くの企業の顧問弁護士およびアドバイザーを務める。
- Advised OEMs from Japan on multi-million dollar projects involving the development of their North American headquarters, including site selection, site development, acquisition, and construction of the facilities.
- 北米本社の開発に関する数百万ドル規模のプロジェクトにおいて、用地選定、用地開発、買収、施設の建設など、日本のOEM企業にアドバイスを提供。
- Secured non-immigrant visas for employees of multiple Japanese firms to be granted legal working status to support U.S. operations.
- 複数の日本企業の従業員に対し、米国事業を支援するための合法的就労資格を与える非移民ビザを確保。
- Prepared petitions for executives and highly skilled employees to apply for permanent residency in the U.S.
- エグゼクティブおよび高度な技能を持つ従業員の米国永住権申請のための請願書を作成。
- Managed Employee-Management Disputes in US-based- Japanese Corporations within the US legal framework.
- 米国に拠点を置く日系企業において、従業員と経営陣との紛争を米国の法的枠組みの中で処理。
- Assured corporate compliance with U.S. law is maintained for new and established Japanese Corporations by drafting resolutions and monitoring required filings.
- 新規設立および設立された日本法人に対し、決議書の作成および必要な提出書類の監視を通じ、米国法の遵守を保証。
- Reviewed real estate lease and purchase agreements for Japanese Corporations expanding and increasing investment in the U.S.
- 米国で投資を拡大・増加させる日系企業に対する不動産賃貸借契約および売買契約のレビュー。
- Negotiated and drafted agreements for Japanese suppliers located in the U.S. to arrange the purchase and sale of automotive parts from a major Japanese Automotive Manufacturer.
- 日本の大手自動車メーカーから自動車部品を購入・販売するため、米国にある日系サプライヤーのために交渉し、契約書を作成。