USTR to Take Further Actions on China 301 Tariffs | 美国贸易办公室即将对301条款关税采取进一步行动
- Heusel, Mark Wang, Hezi
- Industry Alerts
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And just like that, the Biden Administration has reengaged in the China Tariff War. With today’s announcement of significant increases in key sectors, the Administration is putting special attention on protecting the U.S.’s fledgling EV industry. While the Administration has recently been saber-rattling about Chinese-made electric vehicles, there was little indication that battery components were on the chopping block. This was especially true after the Administration took such significant steps to weed out Chinese suppliers in the recent rules that define the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) tax credits. In fact, some might argue that the policy behind the final IRA’s rules is inconsistent with this most recent announcement on tariffs. And, if the U.S.’s push towards electrification was not already hampered by the IRA’s final rules, today’s tariff announcement will certainly have a chilling effect on supply chains and the costs of EVs in the U.S. in the near future.
As we reported in May 2022, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) commenced the statutory four-year review of China 301 tariffs. Just a few short weeks ago, the USTR was under attack from members of Congress over the Administration’s lack of action on tariffs. That all changed today, as Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced that under the
direction of President Biden, further actions are required to “encourage the elimination of the People’s Republic of China’s unfair technology transfer-related policies and practices.” This decision came at the end of President Biden’s first term, when, for the past three years, the Administration seemed content with leaving the status quo on China with respect to tariffs. This comes at a time when, in recent weeks, President Trump threatened 60% or greater tariffs on all Chinese goods if re-elected.
正如我们在2022年5月报道的那样,美国贸易代表办公室启动了对中国301关税的法定四年期复审。就在几周前,美国贸易代表曾被国会成员指责政府在关税问题上并未有所作为。然而,就在今天,美国贸易代表戴琪宣布,在拜登总统的指示下,将采取进一步行动,旨在“鼓励消除中国不公平的技术转让相关政策和做法。” 这一决定是在拜登总统的第一任期即将结束时做出的;然而在过去三年中,政府似乎对中国的关税现状感到满意。与此同时,在最近几周,前总统特朗普曾表示,如果再次当选,将对所有中国商品征收60%或更高的关税。
Specifically, the Trade Representative has recommended that products from China that are currently subject to Section 301 tariffs should remain.
Product List 产品清单 |
Current Section 301 Tariffs 当前已生效的301关税税率 |
List 1, effective July 6, 2018 清单一,于2018年7月6日生效 |
25% |
List 2, effective August 23, 2018 清单二,于2018年8月23日生效 |
25% |
List 3, effective May 10, 2019 清单三,于2019年5月10日生效 |
25% |
List 4, effective February 14, 2020 清单四,于2018年7月6日生效 |
7.5% |
In addition, President Biden has directed USTR to take action to increase tariffs across “strategic sectors,” such as steel and aluminum, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, critical minerals, solar cells, ship-to-shore crane, and medical product. Specifically, the Trade Representative is proposing to modify in the following strategic sectors:
Battery parts (non-lithium-ion batteries) 电池零件 (非锂电子电池) |
Increase rate to 25% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至25% |
Electric vehicles 电动汽车 |
Increase rate to 100% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至100% |
Facemasks 口罩 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至25% |
Lithium-ion electrical vehicle batteries 锂离子电动汽车电池 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至25% |
Lithium-ion non-electrical vehicle batteries 锂离子非电动汽车电池 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2026 关税税率在2026年将增加至25% |
Medical gloves 医用手套 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2026 关税税率在2026年将增加至25% |
Natural graphite 天然石墨 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2026 关税税率在2026年将增加至25% |
Other critical minerals 部分其他关键矿物 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至25% |
Permanent magnets 永磁体 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2026 关税税率在2026年将增加至25% |
Semiconductors 半导体 |
Increase rate to 50% in 2025 关税税率在2025年将增加至50% |
Ship to shore cranes 船岸起重机 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至25% |
Solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) 太阳能电池(无论是否组装成模块) |
Increase rate to 50% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至50% |
Steel and aluminum products 钢铝产品 |
Increase rate to 25% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至25% |
Syringes and needles 注射器和针头 |
Increase rate to 50% in 2024 关税税率在2024年将增加至50% |
The Trade Representative is also proposing to establish an exclusion process targeting machinery used in domestic manufacturing. According to USTR’s report, “the proposed exclusion process will be limited to machinery under certain 8-digit tariff lines in Chapter 84 and Chapter 85 of the HTSUS.” The Trade Representative is also proposing 19 temporary exclusions for certain solar manufacturing equipment.
美国贸易代表还建议建立一个关税排除程序,该程序将针对美国国内制造业中使用的机械设备。根据美国贸易代表的报告,“所提议的排除程序将仅限于《美国关税编目及统计法》第84章和第85章中某些8位关税条目下的机械设备。” 贸易代表还提议对19项太阳能制造设备关税条目授予临时关税排除。
According to Ambassador Tai, USTR will issue a Federal Register notice next week announcing the proposed modification and exclusion process. Until this notice has been released, the impact on specific imported products has not been identified.
Our team will continue to follow any announcement from the USTR and report any new developments in the following weeks.
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