Artificial Intelligence

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Harnessing the power of advanced data analytics and cognitive technologies, Dickinson Wright’s AI practice group assists clients in ushering in a fresh wave of tech innovations. We empower businesses to craft, enhance, and drive content, streamline operations, and achieve results within a constantly evolving landscape. 

Our artificial intelligence lawyers offer tailored insights into the unique challenges posed by AI and ML technologies. This encompasses initial policy statements and positions specific to certain industries, drafting and negotiating agreements related to data creation, ownership, utilization, and licensing derived from AI systems, IoT, and edge computing. We address regulatory hurdles associated with virtual assistants and chatbots, intellectual property and policy intricacies involving autonomous systems and predictive analytics, and the ethical and legal implications of using facial recognition and other biometric and biosecurity technologies. 

Key services include:

Counseling on generative AI implementation and use.
Procuring AI-based assets and technologies
Advising on AI regulatory compliance.
Establishing robust governance blueprints.
Representing transactions involving AI and AI-developed content.

Our Clients 

We pride ourselves on our versatility; our clientele ranges from tech behemoths and AI research pioneers to innovative startups. Every client benefits from our wealth of experience and commitment to innovation. Developments in AI, particularly with the continuing advances of generative AI models, require that clients have the ability to navigate the inevitable change generative AI tools will usher in their respective industries.  

Our Team

Our lawyers pride themselves in continually evolving and are committed to AI’s ethical and responsible growth. We are recognized by top-tier evaluation platforms such as Best Lawyers®, Super Lawyers®, and beyond. Our lawyers specializing in AI issues actively contribute to the broader discourse on artificial intelligence law,  hosting webinars, and publishing insights on the quickly developing shifts and trends. 

What truly sets us apart is our holistic approach. We don’t just offer technical support; we provide strategic insights. With attorneys from a variety of fields like technology, privacy, intellectual property, and media, we bring a well-rounded perspective to every challenge.

Our Services 

From securing AI innovations and managing intellectual property to policy and risk management, facilitating critical commercial agreements, and offering guidance on corporate transactions, Dickinson Wright’s AI team supports clients facing AI issues throughout their entire business lifecycle. We are dedicated to guiding our clients through their most complex issues involving AI developments, ensuring their position within this transformative innovation. Our work includes: 

Strategic AI Deployment: We offer strategic advice for those exploring AI innovations, ranging from generative AI applications and computer vision to robotics and predictive analysis. By capitalizing on our vast cross-sectoral knowledge—spanning from intellectual property and public policy to litigation and tech transactions—we equip clients to maximize benefits, minimize risks, and traverse the intricate legal landscapes surrounding AI technologies.

Regulatory & Ethical Guidance: Navigating AI is not just about technology; it’s also about understanding legal, ethical, and regulatory intricacies. We advise on matters as diverse as the use and licensing of IoT-driven data, the deployment of autonomous systems, and the nuanced legalities of biometric applications.

AI Lifecycle Management: From the ideation and inception of AI technologies to risk mitigation and commercial negotiations, we are dedicated to supporting AI initiatives throughout their entire lifecycle, ensuring that clients are legally equipped at each developmental phase.

Industry-Specific AI Advisory: We advise industries ranging from entertainment and mobility to healthcare on AI integration while addressing concerns like bias detection in AI lending and HIPAA-compliant bot usage.

Intellectual Property Considerations:
Copyright and AI-generated works: Addressing the authorship, ownership, and enforcement intricacies of AI-generated content.
Patenting AI systems: Challenges in defining the patentability of AI and ML algorithms and models.
Trade secret implications: Protecting AI innovations while fostering collaboration and development.
Licensing & Technology Deployment: Utilizing transactional best practices for maximizing commercial potential and minimizing legal, financial, and reputational risk.  

Ethical Considerations and Human Rights: A key focus of our AI practice involves tackling inherent biases in AI algorithms, ensuring these systems operate fairly and impartially, a critical issue in maintaining justice and equality in automated decision-making. Additionally, we are committed to addressing the societal impacts of generative AI output and understanding its influence on public perception and societal norms. The transformative effect of AI on the job market, including job displacement and the emergence of new employment opportunities, also forms a significant part of our advisory and advocacy services. To promote digital inclusivity, we advocate for the accessibility of AI technologies for everyone, including those with disabilities.

Future Outlook and Evolution of AI Law: Our law firm is actively engaged with the latest trends in AI law, focusing on the legal implications of new technologies like autonomous vehicles and AI in healthcare. We also work on international collaboration for AI governance and policy, providing legal solutions for the challenges posed by the advancement of AI technologies.

Representative Experience

  • Advise in AI-based employment and intellectual property policy matters.
  • Represented a client in the deployment of AI-based detection capabilities in accordance with governmental policies and orders.
  • Represented several clients in the creation and development of a large artificial intelligence patent portfolios in several industries, including healthcare.
  • Represent a private equity fund focused on artificial intelligence technology for the healthcare industry.
  • Advised a wide range of businesses on the legal policies applicable to their AI products, systems, and services.
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