Michael D. Lipton, a senior partner based in Dickinson Wright’s Toronto office, focuses his practice on gaming law. He regularly represents governments, casino operators, gaming equipment suppliers/manufacturers, payment processors, and licensees throughout North America on gaming compliance and governance issues. Michael has also been recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada® since 2008. He has authored numerous articles in gaming law publications and spoken at many conferences worldwide. He has earned a global reputation as an outstanding gaming regulatory counsel.
Education & Credentials
University of Toronto
Osgoode Hall Law School
LL.B, 1965Acknowledgements
- Chambers Global Guide, "Senior Statesman," Gaming & Licensing - Nationwide, 2024-2025
- Who’s Who Legal Canada, Sports & Entertainment Law, 2021, 2023-2024
- Law Clerk to the Chief Justice of Ontario, 1967-68
- Appointed Queen's Counsel by Government of Ontario, 1979
- Member of the New York State Bar, 1985
- Certified as a Specialist in Civil Litigation by Law Society of Upper Canada, 1989-2021
- Best Lawyers in Canada®
- Gaming Law, 2008-2025
- "Lawyer of the Year," Gaming Law 2014, 2017, 2020
- Chambers Canada Guide
- Gaming & Licensing - Nationwide, 2024
- "Senior Statesman," Gaming & Licensing
- Chambers Global Guide
- "Senior Statesman," Gaming & Gambling
Representative Clients
- Caesars Entertainment Corporation
- Ellipse Entertainment Ltd
- IGT Global Solutions Corporation
- Kaizen Gaming
- LGT Venture LLC
- MIR Limited
Prominent Assignments
- Appearances before all levels of Court, including the Supreme Court of Canada
- Extensive practice before gaming regulatory authorities throughout Canada
- Advise clients in regard to compliance, AML, governance, procurement policies and due diligence requirements integral to the gaming and hospitality industries
- Counseled clients in regard to amendments to gaming legislation enacted by government of Ontario including drafting legislative amendments
- Advise charitable organizations, public and private corporations in regard to gaming provisions of the Canadian Criminal Code
- Represent self-regulatory bodies in prosecutions of non-licensees
Professional Involvement
- International Masters of Gaming Law, Founding Member & Past President
- Member of the American Bar Association and editor of the Canadian Gaming Lawyer
Community Involvement
- Awarded Medal of Service by the City of Toronto
- Awarded Commemorative Medal for the 125 Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada by the Government of Canada
- Awarded Industry Leadership and Outstanding Contribution by Canadian Gaming Association for 2011
Panelist, “IMGL Masterclass 1,” Canadian Gaming Summit, June 2024
Speaker, “Jackpots, Lotteries, and Beyond,” IMGL 2024 Spring Conference, International Masters of Gaming Law, April 2024
- Moderator, "Problems, pitfalls and issues encountered by iGaming jurisdictions in establishing and maintaining a successful Sports betting & i-Gaming legal," International Masters of Gaming Law, Spring Conference 2023, April 2023
- Co-Author, LexisNexis Gaming Law & Practice Guide, 2018–2022
- Speaker, Global Gaming Business News Podcast, July 2022
- Co-Author, "Operators, Start Your Engines; But Beware of Sanctions," Dickinson Wright Gaming & Hospitality Industry Alert, May 2022
- Co-Author, "Goodbye Parlays, Hello Single Event Betting: Ontario Rolls out New Standards for Sport and Event Betting," Dickinson Wright Industry Alert, October 2021
- Joint Author, "New Developments: Regulation of Payment Service Providers in Canada," Dickinson Wright Client Alert, June 2020
- Joint Author, "Attorney General of Quebec v. Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (Procureur général du Québec v. Association canadienne des télécommunications sans fil)," Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, May 2021
- Joint Author, "Canada Continues Push for Single-Game Sports Betting," Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, April 2021
- Joint Author, "Atlantic Lottery Corporation Inc. v. Babstock: A Resounding Success at the Supreme Court of Canada for Dickinson Wright LLP," Dickinson Wright Client Alert, August 2020
- Joint Author, "Canadian Gaming Association’s Standards for Cashless Wagering," Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, August 2020
- Joint Author, "The Effect of Canada’s Revised Anti-Money Laundering Rules on Casino Operators, Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, August 2019
- Joint Author, "Uncertainty of Prize and 'Chance'," Canadian Gaming Lawyer, Fall/Winter 2019
- Author and co-author of numerous Gaming law papers and articles published in several global publications including World Online Gambling Law Report, Casino Lawyer, iGaming Business and Canadian Gaming Lawyer
- Joint Author, "Modernizing the Canadian Criminal Code to Allow for Single Game Sports Betting," Canadian Gaming Lawyer, Fall 2018
- Joint Author, "Québec Appeals Superior Court Ruling that Bill 74 is Unconstitutional," LexisNexis Canada Internet and E-Commerce Law in Canada, Volume 19, Number 6, October 2018
- Joint Author, "Québec Appeals Superior Court Ruling that Bill 74 is Unconstitutional," Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, September 2018
- Joint Author, "Québec’s Superior Court Rules that Bill 74 is Unconstitutional", Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, August 2018
- Joint Author, "Gaming Law and Practice", Lexis Nexis, 2018
- Joint Author, "Indigenous Gaming Issues In Canada", Canadian Gaming Lawyer, Summer 2018
- Joint Author, "Indigenous Gaming Issues In Canada", Dickinson Wright Gaming and Hospitality Blog, January 2018
- Joint Author, "New Anti-Money Laundering Recommendations For British Columbia Casinos", Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, December 2017
- Co-Author, "Canadian Reporting Issuers With U.S.-Related Cannabis Activities", Dickinson Wright Gaming Newsletter, December 2017
- Joint Author, “Gaming, Gambling and Licensing 2018,” Canada Chapter, Chambers and Partners Practice Guide, October 2017
- Co-author, “Liability Potentially Extended to Gamblers,” Canadian Gaming Lawyer, Summer 2017
- Co-author, "Enforceability of iGaming Debts in Ontario," (Gaming Legal News, June 17, 2013)
- Co-author, "Retreat of Legalized Gaming in Canada," (Canadian Gaming Lawyer, June 2013)
- Co-author, Internet Gambling Report, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th editions (Mark Balestra and Tony Cabot, editors) (St. Charles, MO: River City Group LLC) – chapters relating to Canadian gaming law (updated 2013)
- Co-author, "Canada: a Year in Review", iGaming Business, Issue 71, November/December 2011
- Co-author of Poker, Advertising and Canada chapters in Internet Gambling Report, 8th to 12th editions, 2008-2013
- Co-author of British Columbia and Alberta chapters in International Casino Law and Regulation, 2009
- Co-author, “Proposed Amendments to the Criminal Code to Expand Sports Betting Options” (Canadian Gaming Lawyer, Vol. 1, Issue 2, November 2008)
- Co-author, “Update on iGaming in Canada” (iGaming Business, issues 50 & 51, May/June 2008 and July/August 2008)
- Co-author, “Kahnawà:ke: Canada ponders I-Gaming crackdown” (World Online Gambling Report, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Apr. 2008)
- Co-author, “Canada: Jurisdictional Issues in Online Gambling Regulation,” (World Online Gambling Report, Vol. 6, Iss. 12, Dec. 2007)
- Co-author, “British Columbia” and “Alberta” chapters in International Casino Law and Regulation – 2007
- Co-author, “Bill 152: Legislation Barring Advertising of Online Gaming” (World Online Gambling Report, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Jan. 2007)
- Co-author of Games of Skill and Chance in Canada-Gaming Law Review, 2005