Mark Walker (Member, El Paso) was recently quoted in Law 360’s article, “Houston Law Firm Says Witness Ads Are Protected Speech,” about an oral argument that Mark recently made to the El Paso Court of Appeals. Mark is currently representing high-profile Houston lawyer Anthony Buzbee and his personal injury law firm in defense of a defamation case that a local high-profile pediatrician brought against Buzbee and his firm. Buzbee published advertising in an effort to find witnesses for a medical malpractice case involving the death of a 3 year-old girl, saying, "Investigating claims for parents whose children died while undergoing treatment" by a local doctor, Roberto Canales. The text was accompanied by a stock photo of a doctor shrugging his shoulders. These advertisements are protected free speech under the state anti-SLAPP statute and not exempted commercial speech. "I think that Dr. Canales found it distasteful and offensive, and then he tried to stop that," Walker said. Click here to learn more.